import React from 'react'; import { Card, CardContent } from '@/components/ui/card'; import { Quote, Link, MessageSquare, BookOpen, ArrowRight, Coffee, Home, Code, Bot, User, Computer } from 'lucide-react'; const Sidebar = () => { const menuItems = [ { icon: , text: 'Home', active: true }, { icon: , text: 'Blog' }, { icon: , text: 'App Projects' }, { icon: , text: 'AI Projects' }, { icon: , text: 'About me' } ]; return (

Deep Tech Musings

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); }; const BlogPost = () => { return (
{/* Header */}

Where research papers meet reality, and sarcasm is always statistically significant

{/* Featured Post Card */}

Walking through 11 papers - incl. NotebookLM podcast!


Pre-text: This is going to be a looooong post reviewing around 11 research papers on the topic of "Understanding" in the context of LLMs. If you hate reading, check out this NotebookLM with all the sources to chat with and Podcast to listen to included!

{/* Paper Reference Card */}
Referenced Paper

Emergent Abilities of Large Language Models Read More

{/* Most Interesting Takeaway Section */}

Most Interesting Takeaway

The biggest bomb of all: We don't know why, when, or what. We have absolutely no idea why or when these emergent abilities kick in...

Posted 3 days ago 15 min read
{/* Tag Cloud */}
#AI #LLMs #Research #DeepLearning
); }; export default BlogPost;